The Loch Ness Monster

L’activitat d’aquesta setmana és fer un petit projecte en relació “The Loch Ness Monster” completant els següents punts.


        Monster’s name or nickname:

-          Where is it from? (Country and city)

-          Where was the Loch Ness Monster seen?

-          When was the Loch Ness Monster seen for first time?

-          Who saw it?

-          How is the Loch Ness Monster physically?

-          Write about the legend. (between 3 or 4 lines)

-          Do you believe that the Loch Ness Monster really exist?


-          Monster’s name or nickname:

-          Where is it from? (Country and city)

-          Where was the Loch Ness Monster seen? Describe it.

-          When was the Loch Ness Monster seen for first time?

-          Who saw it?

-          How is the Loch Ness Monster physically?

-          Write about the legend. (between 4 or 5 lines)

-          Do you believe that the Loch Ness Monster really exist?

Podeu fer el projecte amb el format que millor us vagi bé. Podeu extreure la informació de la pàgina web que hi ha a continuació o de la imatge que us he adjuntat. 

Pàgina web.  

 Loch Ness - English ESL Worksheets for distance learning and ...
